Child Poverty and Vulnerability in Fiji
Over 25,000 disadvantaged children living in Fiji.
This correlates to over 10% of the child population of Fiji being neglected or abused.
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This correlates to over 10% of the child population of Fiji being neglected or abused.
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Fiji's PopulationFiji is a tropical island situated in the South Pacific Ocean. It has a population of over 900,000 with just over 50% Christians, and the remainder being predominantly Hindu and Muslim.
PovertyReports suggest that the poverty rate is between 25% and 35% with the majority being Indo-Fijians. These poor households are generally uneducated and ill skilled, and as such have difficulty in finding jobs and supporting their families; and hence the cycle of poverty continues.
VulnerabilityPoor diets also make them susceptible to disease and unable to cope with sudden changes or events such as death in the family, marriage, breakups & natural disasters.
We Need Your SupportBy volunteering or donating, you are helping St Mina Children's home care for 23 children, including their basic needs and education.
"Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven"
Matthew 19:14 NKJV